Capitol City Speech Therapy
Pediatric and Adult Therapy Services
and Locally Operated since 2004!

Sarah Johnson
Speech-Language Pathologist
Sarah attended NC State where she received her bachelor’s degree and then attended East Carolina University where she received her Master’s in Communication Science and Disorders.
Sarah has enjoyed several post-graduate trainings in treating severe speech sound disorders. She is a Childhood Apraxia of Speech expert and utilizes motor based treatment approaches including Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC), modified PROMPTS, and Kaufman syllable hierarchies. In addition, she has experience using Structured Teaching by TEACCH, Visualizing/Verbalizing, Bloom and Lahey Language Development Model for Early Intervention and Swallow Right for oromyofunctional disorders. She is familiar with several alternative and augmentative communication systems including Accent AAC, LAMP AAC, PECS and basic sign language. Sarah is also trained in Positive Parenting Program- level 2.
Sarah also works with infants and children with feeding difficulties including breast/bottle feeding difficulty, bottle refusals, difficulties introducing solids, picky eating, tube weaning, and other oral motor deficits impacting feeding. She is an expert in baby led weaning and is a member of the Solid Starts professional directory. She uses adapted baby led weaning approaches for babies with pediatric feeding disorders. She is also in the process of becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She received lactation training through the Mary Rose Tully Training Initiative at UNC Chapel Hill.
She enjoys developing unique treatment plans that are functional and appropriate for each child and their family. Sarah values family centered care and collaboration with other professionals (OTs, PTs, ENTs, dentists, IBCLCs, pediatricians, nutritionists, and other SLPs). She utilizes evidenced based treatment in order to ensure each patient is receiving the most effective therapy.