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Adult Services

Capitol City Speech Therapy provides a variety of services for our adult population. Our facilities have individual treatment rooms for private sessions.  We do encourage significant others and/or caregivers to participate. This will allow for better collaboration and coaching to assist with skills in their home environment   


A variety of evidenced based techniques are utilized by our team of SLPs. Individualized treatment plans are developed based on the patients' diagnosis and/or concerns. Please call us to find out more information about starting therapy. 
  • AAC (Augmentative Assistive Technology)
  • Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
  • Dynamic Stuttering Therapy
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing
  • Manual Therapy-Voice and Swallowing disorders
  • Auditory Verbal/Auditory Oral Therapy
  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) AmpCare
  • Accent Reduction
  • Laryngeal Massage
  • Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
  • Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT-LOUD)
  • Transgender voice therapy
  • Tongue Tie/Tongue Thrust
Speech therapy
What can I expect from a Speech Therapy consult?


During your first appointment, your SLP will complete a case history and discuss your concerns. An evaluation will be completed and specific goals will be developed based on your speech concerns.  Exercises will be provided for you to complete at home. 


Each treatment plan will be designed specifically for you based on our comprehensive assessment and your personal goals. Treatment may include things like breathing exercises, muscle exercises, massage, memory, attention, cognition exercises, articulation practice, or self-help strategies. We encourage our adult patients to include their social support system in therapy for optimal success. Speech therapy is available in person at our Raleigh or Fuquay locations as well as via Teletherapy. Click here to learn more about teletherapy services. 


talking with grandkids, stroke, aphasia
Speech and Language Therapy
Understanding Language and Listening Skills
Creating Sentences and Expressing Thoughts
Fluency and Stuttering
Social Communication 
Reading and Writing Difficulty
Cochlear Implant and/or Hearing Impairment
Short and Long-term Memory Issues
Cognitive Differences
Tongue Thrusts/Lisps
Accent Reduction

Adults may be in need for speech and language therapy for a variety of reasons, including medical conditions such as Stroke,  Vocal Nodules, Polyps, Head & Neck Cancer, Parkinson's disease, Multiple Sclerosis, or a Traumatic Brain Injury. We may also be able to help you resolve difficulty with ongoing or residual developmental differences, or with issues caused by environmental or behavioral changes. Our therapists can help you get back to more independent living. 

trouble swallowing, eating, stroke
Feeding and Swallowing Therapy
Trouble Swallowing
Malnutrition or Dehydration
Choking and Gagging food
Tongue Tie
Tongue Thrust

Are you coughing on food or liquids?  Have an open bite? Are you dehydrated, or losing weight unexpectedly?  Has swallowing just become more effortful and less enjoyable? A swallow evaluation is indicated if you answered yes to any of the questions. 


Adults may experience trouble swallowing after a stroke, an injury, surgery or due to a medical issue such as Reflux, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, or Head Neck Cancer. Therapeutic exercises and compensatory strategies will be used in therapy. A home program will be developed to help with carryover.

voice therapy, gender affirming care
Voice Therapy
Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Throat Pain when Talking
Losing your Voice
Vocal fold Paralysis
Vocal nodules and polyps
Spasmodic Dysphonia
Chronic Laryngitis
Pitch Modification​
Trouble Speaking Loudly

After consulting with an ENT/Otolaryngologist, a comprehensive assessment with our therapists will examine environmental factors and speech habits that may be contributing to your voice difficulties. Voice therapy with an SLP may be indicated due to pathologies such as vocal nodules , polyps, vocal fold weakness, paralysis, swelling, or motor control.  We can also help you identify behaviors that may be damaging to your voice. During therapy, the speech-language pathologist will teach and guide you through a number of exercises and activities to improve your pitch range, loudness, and stamina for speaking as well as help you identify a home practice plan and factors or habits that may be harmful. 


LSVT LOUD for Parkinson's Disease

LSVT Loud is clinically effective means of improving vocal quality, loudness level and overall communication in people with Parkinson's disease and other neurogenic speech disorders.  Capitol City Speech Therapy has several therapists that are certified to provide this program. Therapy can be completed in the clinic or through Teletherapy (at this time). 


Gender Affirming Voice Care

Develop a new voice safely and efficiently.  Based on personalized goals our therapists can help with including pitch, resonance, intonation, rate, volume, as well as non-speech sounds such as coughing, laughing and sneezing. Therapy can also target pragmatics (social rules of language-including non verbal communication), language (words you use) or sound production/articulation. 


memory, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's
Aphasia Therapy
Short and Long Term Memory Loss
Forgetting Names or Words
Following Directions
Trouble Organization
Reading and Writing Difficulty
Making Complete Sentences

After a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or brain cancer, you may experience aphasia. Aphasia can make it difficult for you to speak, understand and affect your ability to read and write.  


Our Speech Therapists will work with you, your primary care doctor and your neurologist to develop an individualized treatment plan.  Goals will be established based on your concerns and assessment results.  Rehabilitation will include one on one therapy sessions and daily homework assignments aimed to improve language and communication abilities.  Traditional therapy strategies will be utilized such as reading and writing exercises, listening and repeating will be utilize to improve communication. However, non-traditional communication strategies such as point to words on cards, pictures or dedicated speech generating "apps" or devices (Augmentative Assistive Technology) will be introduced as needed.  Our ultimate goal is to help people with Aphasia to communicate effectively.

jaw pain, tmj, tension
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Tongue Thrust
Poor Jaw Alignment
Mouth breathing
Tongue Tie/Restricted Tongue Mobility

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth. OMDs may affect, directly and/or indirectly,  facial skeletal anatomy, chewing, swallowing, speech, occlusion, temporomandibular joint movement, oral hygiene, stability of orthodontic treatment, facial esthetics and more. If you need Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy our therapists create an individualized program to help retrain maladaptive patterns of muscle function, and to improve other symptoms 

Fuquay Varina: 141 N. Main St. 27526   

Raleigh: 1330 St Mary's St. Suite 100 27605

Knightdale:6845 Knightdale Blvd Ste102/103

Charlotte:  Homes/Daycares/Teletherapy

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Fax : 919-577-6853

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