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Pediatric Services

We provide a variety of services at Capitol City Speech Therapy. Our facilities include individual treatment rooms for private sessions as well as a sensory gym and play rooms for those patients who need a more active type of environment for success. We are available to provide therapy at local private schools and daycares for on-site services and teacher collaboration. Capital City Speech Therapy also offers teletherapy service. Click here to learn more about the benefits of teletherapy services.      


Our therapists have training in the following skilled interventions, among others. Please call us to find out more information about starting therapy. 
  • Baby Led Weaning
  • Tube Weaning
  • Food Chaining
  • Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC) 
  • LSVT Loud
  • Social Thinking
  • Sign Language
  • Picture Exchange (PECs)
  • Kaufman Protocol
  • Auditory Verbal Approach
  • DIR/Floortime
  • Science of Reading principles
  • Visualizing and Verbalizing
  • Natural Language Acquisition
  • AAC low tech and high tech
  • Structured TEACCHing
  • Beckman Oral Motor Protocol
  • Swallow Right Protocol
  • Myofunctional Exercises
  • Triple P
Speech Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy
Trouble with Speech Sounds or Articulation
Receptive Language and Listening Skills
Expressive Language
Voice and Resonance Issues
Fluency and Stuttering
Reading and Writing Difficulty
Social Skills
Auditory Verbal Therapy and Hearing Impairment
Difficulty with Memory

Speech and language therapy encompasses a variety of areas related to communication. Our expert therapists will complete a comprehensive initial evaluation to determine strengths and weaknesses for each child as well as begin to identify possible reasons for communication struggles. Our therapists utilize a variety of techniques and involve parents and families in the process through coaching, home programs, or regular updates. If you are a parent and have concerns for your child's speech or language skills, please click here for a free questionnaire about your child's development and contact us if you have concerns. 

Feeding Therapy
Feeding Evaluation and Therapy
Trouble Swallowing
Limited number of safe foods
Failure to Thrive or Malnutrition
Picky Eaters
Choking and Gagging food

Feeding and Swallowing therapy is also available for both children and adults. Therapeutic and compensatory strategies and home programs will be used in therapy. Parents may want to refer their child for a feeding evaluation because they have a limited diet or a medical diagnosis that makes feeding difficult. If mealtime is a struggle, come and see us!

infant feeding, lactation, breastfeeding, baby led weaning
Infant Feeding Assessment and Treatment
Difficulty Latching 
Choking and Gagging
Trouble Transitioning to Solids

When your baby is having difficulty feeding, it can be difficult to know what to do. Regardless if your child is breastfeeding, bottle feeding or beginning to wean, we will complete a full assessment of your child's oral intake and determine what appropriate modifications or strategies can help. We will also make appropriate referrals to other specialists when needed. Parents may want to refer their baby for a feeding evaluation because feeding is not enjoyable or a medical diagnosis that makes feeding difficult. If mealtime is a struggle, come and see us!

Reading in a Bookstore
Reading Therapy 
Frustrated with reading
Takes much longer to read than peers
Difficulty answering questions
Mixes up letters or words
Forgets what they just read
Doesn't understand a word's meaning 

A speech therapist helps children improve their reading skills through a variety of activities. If a child exhibits difficulty with sounding out words, the focus tends to be on phonological awareness, which means helping kids recognize and manipulate sounds in words through activities such as changing sounds, deleting sounds, and identifying rhyming words. If a child has stronger decoding skills, speech therapists can teach children how to use context clues, like synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, and/or base words to figure out the meaning of new words. Finally, to ensure kids understand what they read, speech therapists can also practice answering comprehension questions. These strategies all work together to make reading easier and more enjoyable for children.

thumb sucking, lisp
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
Tongue Thrust
Poor Jaw Alignment
Thumb sucking
Mouth breathing

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are disorders of the muscles and functions of the face and mouth. OMDs may affect, directly and/or indirectly,  breastfeeding, facial skeletal growth and development, chewing, swallowing, speech, occlusion, temporomandibular joint movement, oral hygiene, stability of orthodontic treatment, facial esthetics and more. If your child needs Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy our therapists create an individualized program to help retrain maladaptive patterns of muscle function, and to improve other symptoms 

Voice therapy
Voice Therapy
Motor Disorders
Trouble Talking Loudly
Intonation Problems
Hoarse or Harsh Quality
Strained Talking
Poor Breath Support or Respiratory Problems

Speech therapy is generally helpful in all voice conditions. Voice issues in children can be due to vocal misuse (yelling excessively), medical reasons (like reflux) or other neurological conditions. Assessment in collaboration with your ENT or otolaryngolist will determine the suspected cause of voice problems. Techniques to encourage comfortable voicing are taught to the child. Our therapists also include parents in instruction so that they can help the child practice at home.



Our LSVT Loud trained therapists are also able to provide this treatment for patients who might benefit, commonly children with CP or Down Syndrome. 

Play Therapy
Community Based Rehabilitative Services (CBRS)
Play Skills
Social Skills
Challenging Behaviors
Cognitive Skills
Self-help skills

One of the best ways for children to learn is through play. Through Community Based Rehabilitative Services (CBRS) a child is guided through developmental milestones by a Child Development Specialist (CDS). A CDS is a generalist with the ability to work on all areas of development, including but not limited to: communication, motor skills, self-help skills, social skills and cognitive skills. CBRS targets children birth to 3 years of age who are enrolled in the Early Intervention program, with the intention of helping them reach their full potential. This is achieved through working closely with parents and caregivers on their personal goals for the family. 

Group Therapy, social skills group
Group Therapy
Social Skills
Making Friends
Conversation Skills
Understanding Body Language
Picky Eaters

By using a group approach, children can enhance their social skills and learn appropriate interactions from each other with the guidance of the SLP in a safe environment. Learning and experiencing new ideas or new foods with peer modeling and practice, is a great way to tackle new skills. 

Parenting classes
Triple P Parent Training 
Toilet Training
Sleep Issues 


We are Triple P accredited facility. We are able to provide Triple P services to current patients as part of their treatment plan. We also Level 2 Brief, Level 3 Brief and Level 3 Stepping Stones.  Triple P sessions is available for a small fee for parents whose child we do not currently see for Speech Therapy. 

Fuquay Varina: 141 N. Main St. 27526   

Raleigh: 1330 St Mary's St. Suite 100 27605

Knightdale:6845 Knightdale Blvd Ste102/103

Charlotte:  Homes/Daycares/Teletherapy

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Fax : 919-577-6853

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